Pinellas County seeks resident input for quality of life survey

Written on 06/19/2024
Pinellas County

Pinellas County officials are asking residents to participate in a comprehensive quality of life survey starting June 18.

Residents can take the survey by visiting The survey will be available online in English and Spanish until July 2.

“The survey will help County staff and the Board of County Commissioners identify priorities to improve the quality of life in Pinellas County,” said Barry Burton, Pinellas County Administrator.

The National Community Survey™️, allows the County to compare results and benchmark residents’ opinions against other communities across the country. Questions will include topics such as quality of life, important characteristics of community, services provided by Pinellas County and potential priorities for the future.

The NCS is the only resident survey endorsed by the International City/County Management Association and the National League of Cities. Communities using The NCS have reported that the tool improved service delivery, strengthened communications with community stakeholders and helped leaders identify clear priorities for use in strategic planning and budget setting.

“We encourage everyone living or working in Pinellas County to take the survey and guide the community’s future,” said Burton

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