At Tuesday’s City Commission meeting, the Mayor and Commission recognized Special Events Supervisor Joe Cooper for 20 years of service with the City!
Joe began his career with the City as the inaugural Special Events Coordinator. At that time, there were 21 citywide special events held on Main Street and at the Marina. As Downtown continued to redevelop and special event applicants increased, Joe’s position was reclassified to a Special Events Supervisor.
Fast forward to 2023, Joe’s citywide special events have raised over $750,000 for various local charities and make the City a destination place to be with over 100 event happenings throughout the year. Many other local municipalities look to Joe’s event structure as a model for success. Residents and visitors plan outings around the citywide events, and that's all a tribute to Joe. All the hard work behind the scenes by him and his team creates a strong sense of community and many memorable experiences.
Joe, thank you for your dedication, professionalism, and commitment to the City and Leisure Services team. Congratulations on 20 years of service!