The Safety Harbor Public Library Foundation, a 501(3)(c) organization, was established in 2006 to encourage private support to ensure the library continues to thrive. Membership, corporate and individual sponsorships, private trusts and private donations are sought to help conduct and support the activities which benefit and enhance the quality of the Library. The Foundation was created to ensure the residents of Safety Harbor and Pinellas County have a strong and secure library for the future.
The Library was founded by Women's Civic Club of Safety Harbor in 1938 and has had a long history of success in the community. The first library was housed in the Club's community house with a second larger faculty later being built on a site obtained through a generous contribution of Dr. Salem Baranoff, founder of the Safety Harbor Spa and Resort. Dr. Baranoff's ongoing support of the Women's Civic Club, allowed the women to continue their commitment to provide necessary library services for the community. More information on the history of the Library can be found here.
In 1994, the City of Safety Harbor opened the existing facility. In April 2009, after significant community input and involvement, the library underwent a renovation that added 9,300 sq. feet to the facility. The renovation expanded public space and added a meeting room with state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment.
The state of the art library includes a story hour room and space dedicated for teens. WIFI access is available throughout the facility. There are 25 public computers available with scanning, printing, and faxing available at a nominal cost. Gallery space for local artists is present and programs are available for all ages. The Library offers Seed and Tool Libraries and the opportunity for the public to obtain a High School diploma. The Library continues to offer new technologies, programs, and outreach to the community. Visit us here:
To foster the growth and development of the Safety Harbor Public Library, ensuring its future as an indispensable community resource.
To ensure the Library continues as a center for educational and cultural enrichment through advocacy and funding support.
Through community outreach and fund development initiatives, the Foundation works to generate financial support, contributing to the library's resources and programs. It creates a greater appreciation of the library as a community asset, and works to establish a sound financial base on which the Safety Harbor Public Library will continue to be a vibrant institution fostering a love of reading, a door to learning, and a gathering place for community enrichment.