3174 San Bernadino St.
(727) 791-7136
John Psomas has more than 30 years of experience painting. John learned the trade from his father Paul Psomas, starting back in 1977. When Paul retired and started fishing, John started John Psomas Painting. Over the years, John Psomas’ crew of craftsmen has been welcomed into the finest homes in Tampa Bay. And not just for the initial consultation and painting – John Psomas Painting has often been called upon to maintain the same homes for years.
John Psomas Painting has strong relationships with many builders, suppliers and vendors as a result of their long history in Tampa Bay. Discerning designers and custom home contractors regularly turn to John Psomas and his team for the most difficult and complex projects. In fact, you’ll find that work by John Psomas Painting has been featured in a variety of publications over the years.
John Psomas Painting is insured and licensed with the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board. The company is a member of Benjamin Moore's Professional Painter Advisory Board.
John Psomas Painting is also a member of of Painting and Decorating Contractors of America.