(727) 373-9132
2020 was… interesting to say the least. We saw a virus take the whole planet and put it on it’s knees, causing many to loose their jobs, their homes and even their lives.
In the south we also experienced a few hurricanes leaving many with no power for days or even weeks. This is where we come in. During a time of such unrest, the last thing you want is to have no power, leaving you with no alarm system, and no lights. If that doesn’t bother you then I would bet the scorching heat and humidity posing a threat of mold on your home or business would merit concern. The solution to this would be a well designed solar system with either a back-up generator or battery storage. This would allow you focus on other aspects of your life while knowinq, no matter what, your lights will stay on.
When the whole neighborhood goes dark, you’ll be glad you invested in your own source of energy.
Go Independent, Go Solarity.